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who are you?

Do you ever stay up late at night wondering who you are and why you exist, and what you were created for? You probably know the answer, the Bible answer, but if you were, to be honest, you still feel like sometimes it doesn’t fully satisfy your longing or answer a deeper question. Maybe theology and correct doctrine are not enough, all the head knowledge, patented answers, and Sunday school curriculum you received, doesn’t fully cut it.  

Maybe you and I are more alike than we think. Sometimes life feels lonely like you are longing for companionship, even though you have great friends, or a great marriage and family. There is something in your down deep, your core, that is aching for more. You find yourself asking more questions, while at the same time getting fewer answers. Are you known? Does anyone know you? I mean when you cut through the veneer, the walls, the show, and the acting…what’s left?  

Who are you as a man? What have you learned about your manhood? What did your earthly father teach you or not teach you? I don’t want to write articles that give quick answers, as true as they may be. I would like to sit and just be with you and let things stir inside of us – to know and be known. The kind of knowledge that is deeply personal and vulnerable. To just be. Maybe I will write with more questions than try to teach you or give the right answers. I believe God is here. With us. In this moment. Inviting us to just come and sit with Him. To learn from Him, as He makes Himself known. This is truly remarkable. This is truly life-changing. You are a man, created by God, for God, and a glorious purpose. Let’s discover that together. You don’t have to prove yourself here. I won’t. You don’t have to be macho and be a skilled hunter or craftsman to be accepted, I’m not. I’m a simple man, with a hunger to know God. Even in my mess. 

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